RMS communication

How the rms™ communicates with franchisees and franchisors

Written By Jonathan Frazier (Super Administrator)

Updated at March 5th, 2025

Table of Contents

RMS communication

The rms™ communicates with franchisees via primary communication protocols. Every protocol is designed to anticipate the needs of the franchisee and protect their investment. When there is an issue that the rms™ discovers, a communication protocol is triggered. This protocol sends emails and sms to initiate contact with the contact. Some of the communications are described below:

Onboarding; This communication is to establish rikor™ as the preferred vendor, and provide the franchisee with a link to upload their COI to begin policy monitoring.


Policy Status: This communication provides “just-in-time” alerts to franchisees who have insurance that is about to lapse.

Policy Coverage: This communication provides franchisees the opportunity to prove missing coverage.

RenewalThis end-of-policy communication initiates 90 days prior to policy expiration. This ensures franchisees will obtain the most competitive policy with the right coverage at renewal.