How to upload a COI

Learn the step-by-step process for uploading a Certificate of Insurance (COI) to ensure compliance and coverage for your business operations.

Written By Wade Millward (Super Administrator)

Updated at November 5th, 2024

You'll receive different emails requesting you to upload a COI. Follow the instructions by first clicking on the link. The email that you will receive will look similar to the following: 


After clicking “View in RMS” it will take you directly to your dedicated COI Upload page: 


You'll be redirected to a unique URL specific to your account, which will look like the following: 


What you'll see: 

  • Your entity name
  • Your location address (could be mailing, billing or physical)
  • Drag and Drop Upload Area
    • This is where you'll upload your COI with relevant franchisor information on it
  • An area to modify your location
    • If you have a physical location address add it here
    • This helps us monitor the location to ensure it's accurately on the policy